FAQs About Our Memberships

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  • Q. What Does a Membership Cost?

    A. The most common membership options are $86 month (full hours) or $56 month (off peak - Restricted Hours) with an enrollment fee of $99. Other short term memberships are available, please contact a member of our membership services team for details, e-mail us at membershipservices@questfitnessmaine.com.

  • Q. What if I Go South for the Winter or Need a Break for Medical Treatment?

    A. No problem, we have built in a 'FREE' membership freeze for those who are not in the area between December and March. When you return, you resume your membership where you left off.

    *For those who need a temporary absence at other times for health/medical reasons, the freeze is still FREE for periods from one to six months (documentation from a physician required).

  • Q. Can I Freeze My Membership for Other Reasons?

    A. Yes, we charge a freeze fee of $19 per member per month on all adult month to month memberships - for non-medical freezes and time outside of December to March.

  • Q. Can I Have My Membership Dues Automatically Deducted?

    A. Yes, this is the primary method we use. You can set up your automatic deduction from your credit card, checking account or debit card - you choose.

  • Q. Do You Offer Any Corporate Discounts to Local Employers?

    A. We have discounts Off Joining Fees for a limited group of local employers. Please contact us to see if you qualify.

  • Q. Do You Offer Off-Peak Memberships That Appeal to Seniors?

    A. Yes we have an Off Peak Membership (Check in between 10:45am to 2:30pm) which is priced lower than our regular membership. It allows you to use all regular services including classes during this time period with the exception of booking a private swim lane online . Private Swim lane reservations can only be made via the front desk, we accept 'on the same day' swim lane bookings with the Off Peak membership.

  • Q. Can I Buy Visits to Use When I Want?

    Yes we have a 10 Visit Pass for $159 and a 5 Visit Pass for $95 (valid for 12 months, for individual use only).

    These passes provide you the opportunity to take programs, classes and use facilities on your time at your own pace. These passes also gives you access to all of our featured group cycle classes.

    Other short term memberships, for 1, 2, 3, or 6 months are available through our membership office, see our membership options tab for more details.

The information supplied here is a summary of typical questions we receive, for answers to more of your questions, please call us at (207) 467-3800 and ask for one of our membership services team, we will be happy to assist you!

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